The African Studies Centre publishes nine different series. Four book series are published by Brill and one by Langaa (Cameroon). Books published by the ASC can generally be ordered via this webshop. Books published in cooperation with an external publisher (Brill, Langaa etc.) can be ordered directly from the publisher.
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» ASC/langaa books » Occasional Publications

HIV-AIDS-treatment-in-two-Ghanaian-hospitals-:-experiences-of-patients-nurses-and-doctors HIV/AIDS treatment in two Ghanaian hospitals : experiences o.. Number of products in stock 8
This thesis is based on fifteen months of anthropological research in the voluntary counselling and testing centres and antiretroviral therapy clinics of two hospitals in Ghana, St. Patrick's H...
per € 2,50
Being-old-in-times-of-AIDS:-aging-caring-and-relating-in-northwest-Tanzania Being old in times of AIDS: aging, caring and relating in no.. Number of products in stock 13
The HIV/AIDS epidemic in northwest Tanzania has profoundly shaped the experience of growing old. Older men and women take on new care tasks, such as caring for orphaned grandchildren and nursing dy...
per € 2,50
Militarized-youths-in-Western-C么te-dIvoire-:-local-processes-of-mobilization-demobilization-and-related-humanitarian-interventions-(2002-2007) Militarized youths in Western C么te d'Ivoire : local processe.. Number of products in stock 0
The recent conflict in Co虃te d'Ivoire has led to the militarization of many young civilians on both belligerent sides, especially in the west of the country. What is of particular interest is t...
per € 2,50
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