Dangerous Liaisons: navigating women's land rights and dispu..
Number of products in stock 55 This book examines the experience of women entangled in land disputes. It illustrates women's vulnerability to land disputes and demonstrates how men exploit their positions of authority to manipulate |
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Human Trafficking in Nigeria 1960-2020 : Pattern, People, Pu..
Number of products in stock 29 This volume takes stock of the scourge of human trafficking as experienced by Nigerians in the period 1960-2020. "Everyone should be free. And yet, through force, fraud, and coercion, human tr... |
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Living with the legacy of displacement
Number of products in stock 19 In this book, you will meet several individuals and families who experienced war and displacement during the civil war in northern Uganda (1986-2006). based on ethnographic field research and speci... |
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Where have the midwives gone? : everyday histories of voetvr..
Number of products in stock 11 This book is based on Tamia Botes's Master's thesis 'Where Have the Midwives Gone? Everyday Histories of Voetvroue in Johannesburg', winner of the African Studies Centre, Leiden'... |
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Language and education in Africa : a fresh approach to the d..
Number of products in stock 6 Decolonial visions like those of Vansina and Prah hold that old cultural traditions in Africa have been destroyed, but that new African ways of interpreting the world are emerging. Education has a ... |
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Oude wortels, nieuwe scheuten: een zoektocht in wereldbeelde..
Number of products in stock 0 Oude wortels, nieuwe scheuten: een zoektocht in wereldbeelden. Dilemma's voor modernisering in de landbouw gaat over de dilemma's van modernisering in de landbouw. Het is een verslag van ee... |
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Black minds matter: archbishop Milingo and the Vatican
Number of products in stock 22 Black minds matter tells the story of one of the most outspoken clerics of Africa, Emmanuel Milingo, who was Archbishop of Lusaka from 1969 to 1983. Milingo became widely known for his healing mini... |
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Visualizing the body : photographic clues and the cultural F..
Number of products in stock 0 This book is based on Nsima Stanislaus Udo's Master thesis 'Visualizing the body: Photographic clues and the cultural Fluidity of Mbopo Institution 1914-2014', winner of the African Stu... |
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Femmes du Mali-Sud : Changements de vie entre la tradition e..
Number of products in stock 21 En 2012 nous sommes retournées au Mali-Sud, où nous avons travaillé dans le programme Femmes et Développement de la Compagnie Malienne pour le Développement des T... |
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Transnational Islam: circulation of religious ideas, actors ..
Number of products in stock 0 At the crossroads of major trade routes and characterised by intense human circulations, the area that encompasses northern Nigeria and southern Niger is a privileged space to study transnational r... |
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Philosophers beyond borders : an illustrated guide to a sele..
Number of products in stock 0 Saskia Pfaeltzer (visual artist) and Maria van Enckevort (educator and historian): The thirty philosophers are presented neither alphabetically nor chronologically - at an early stage it became cle... |
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Strijd om Angola (1975-1978) : Mijn leven als dokter in tijd..
Number of products in stock 0 Koude oorlog in koloniaal Afrika. De Sovjet-Unie en de VS, met bondgenoten Cuba en Zuid-Afrika, steunen strijdende partijen met geld, wapens, training en manschappen. Ideologisch gezien is het conf... |
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Common threads : fabrics made-in-India for Africa
Number of products in stock 0 Common Threads explores the ties that bind India and Africa through the material medium of cloth, from antiquity to the present. Cloth made in India has been sold across African markets for millenn... |
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Oath taking and the transnationalism of silence among Edo fe..
Number of products in stock 43 This book is based on Cynthia A. Olufade's Master's thesis 'Oath taking and the Transnationalism of Silence among Edo Female Sex Workers in Italy', winner of the African Studie... |
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Chanter le baja ni : Abirè le Voyant Dogon
Number of products in stock 2 La culture dogon est bien connue, mais un élément de cette culture, d'une extrême richesse et d'une importance capitale, a échappé à l'attention... |
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The Many Hidden Faces of Extreme Poverty: inclusion and excl..
Number of products in stock 12 While the inclusion of extremely poor people is a noble and necessary objective, it is challenging. Attempts to include extreme poor people in development interventions have often be... |
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A new laager for a new South Africa: Afrikaans film and the ..
Number of products in stock 15 This book is based on Adriaan Steyn’s master's thesis ‘A new laager for a new South Africa: Afrikaans film and the imagined boundaries of Afrikanerdom’, winner ... |
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Anthropological experiences in rural Senegal, 1986 - 2003
Number of products in stock 0 As an undergraduate in cultural anthropology at Leiden University in 1964, Hans van den Breemer was asked to participate in a research project on the most efficient distribution of new water wells ... |
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Monuments of Power : The North Korean Origin of Nationalist ..
Number of products in stock 0 This book is based on Tycho van der Hoogs' Master's thesis 'North Korean monuments in southern Africa: Legitimizing party rule through the National Heroes' Acres in Zimbabwe and Nam... |
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Entrepreneurs by the Grace of God. Life and Work of Seamstre..
Number of products in stock 20 This book is based on Merel van ‘t Wouts’ Master's thesis ‘Entrepreneurs by the Grace of God : Life and Work of Seamstresses in Bolgatanga, Ghana’. |
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Reimagining the dream. Decolonising Academia by Putting the ..
Number of products in stock 7 University of Colour in Amsterdam demonstrated against the neoliberal university 
and the perpetuation of coloniality in the curricula. Rhodes Must Fall in Cape Town specifically foc... |
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Does democracy help Africa? An inquiry into multiparty democ..
Number of products in stock 15 Western donor countries consider a proper functioning multiparty democracy as one of the most import conditions for achieving more legitimate governance and subsequently economic dev... |
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Education for Life in Africa
Number of products in stock 17 Globally, the goal of education in the developing world has moved from “Education for All,” which was one of the Millenium Goals of the United Nations, to focus on &ldquo... |
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Stephen Ellis Bibliography
Number of products in stock 0 Stephen Ellis was an extremely productive and prolific author: he published some 20 books and about 160 scholarly articles, many of them in top journals in his field. The topics of r... |
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Tong Mabior. In het gebied van de Boven-Nijl - tussen verled..
Number of products in stock 0 In het gebied van de Boven-Nijl heette de schoolprent die aan de muur hing in de dorpsschool waar Sjoerd Zanen zijn lagere schoolopleiding genoot. Op de plaat staat een nijlpaard in het moeras van ... |
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